Did you know that 70% of callers hang up the phone when they reach a recorded message? Imagine how many issues could be captured and resolved if your customers reached a LIVE PERSON INSTEAD.
In 2012 Moving Claims were the first to introduce the INTEGRATED CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAMS to the moving industry. This service is intended to relieve the call volume from your office staff making them available to perform the tasks they were hired for.
We are the only customer service support program with the knowledge and experience in the moving industry that can support all your client moving needs. With Moving Claims, you can have a dedicated remote team that handles all your client moving issues - YES, IT'S LIVE SUPPORT!
Long Distance Delivery Issues: Customers can call us anytime as many times as they need to find out when their goods will be delivered. We will explain about ‘reasonable dispatch delays’ listen to their problems and calm them down to ensure customer satisfaction and by that avoid additional lawsuits and consumer agency complaints (BBB, DOT, Attorney General, Consumer Protection agencies, etc.).
General Disputes: We are proud to offer a dispute process that provides customers the option to formally file a complaint against the company. When it comes to these matters we put ourselves completely at the customer’s disposal insuring a fair resolution based on company and federal regulations as part of our commitment to achieve satisfactory resolutions for all clients.
Settlement Negotiations: We negotiate with your customers before and after a settlement to avoid possible lawsuits and consumer agency complaints (BBB, DOT, Attorney General, Consumer Protection agencies, etc.). This is the most important and time-consuming of our services – we help protect your company from legal procedures and consumer agency investigations by resolving issues with your customers.
General Customer Service Issues: Our customer service representatives are dedicated to assisting customers with any issue they have. It is our top priority to treat customers with the utmost respect and allow them to resolve all their concerns with a trustworthy and courteous process.
Join the Moving Claims Network!
We are happy to provide excellent services to both moving companies and moving customers. Join our extensive network today to experience exclusive benefits of partnering with us!
Moving Claims is not an insurance company and the employees of Moving Claims are not acting as your insurance adjusters. Moving Claims does not practice Insurance laws and does not give legal advice. This site is not intended to create an insurance claim, and by using the Moving Claims websites, no insurance claim will be created with Moving Claims. Instead, you are filing a Household Goods claim with the carrier who moved you via Moving Claims Websites. Moving Claims websites information as well as any advises of its employees is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. The information contained on this website is designed for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website is designed or intended to constitute legal advice. Federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the moving industry change frequently and may be interpreted differently by different people. If you need specific legal advice you should consult a lawyer directly or a representative from the US DOT.